Archive for January, 2013


Tooth & Nail has been collected, and is on sale at Comixology for only 99 cents. Please check out the link below and help support our weekly silliness.

Lotso laughs for less than a buck, ain’t bad! PLUS, we’ll even throw in some head nods, finger pistols, moist hugs, and even playful tickle fights, for free.


Thanks so much for the continued views, kind words, and interactions, we really appreciate it! And of course, If you dig what we’re up to, please spread the word. 🙂

-The T&N gang

Hey all! Check out today’s review of our soon to be realesed (later today) collected edition of Tooth & Nail, from Ain’t it Cool News! Here it is:

Bullets & Teeth is a free 8 page webcomic I created with the super talented Brian Level. He handled all the art duties and I wrote the script. Picture a Lovecraftian version of the film Aliens… set in present day Afghanistan. Aaaaahhh! Ratatatatat! Chomp!  😉

You can check it out here:   Read BULLETS & TEETH.




Hello fellow Teeth & Nails!

The first graphic novel I managed to actually finish, is now on sale digitally at Comixology: 

What’s it about, you ask?

By Odin’s beard! The secret book of Thor’s perverted sex life has fallen into the hands of a mere mortal! Obviously, Loki (disguised as a clown) is more than happy to take the book and use it for his own gain to humiliate the god of thunder, but can Thor (disguised as a monkey) manage to get to the book first?And now, digitally, you can have the entire book (113 pages and a year in the making) for a mere $2.99.

I can promise you humor, interesting settings and situations, and more than a sprinkle of the shenanigans you’ve seen in some of our comic strips.

If you have a moment, and you like your indy comics to have both a storyline and a touch of the ridiculous, then this is just the book you’re looking for.

Thanks for reading!
